UGA Classics encourages all Classics Majors and Minors (Classical Culture; Greek; Latin) to apply for Departmental and Study Abroad scholarships, awards, grants, that recognize student excellence on campus and on study abroad programs. Departmental Scholarships For information and to apply for scholarships and awards in the Department of Classics, please visit the following pages or click on Apply Now to complete and submit applications: Richard A. LaFleur Teacher Scholarship Warlick-Mannion Scholarship The Edward E. Best Award The Classics Prize Study Abroad Scholarships For information and to apply for study abroad scholarships, awards, and grants in the Department of Classics, please visit the following pages or click on Apply Now to complete and submit applications: UGA Classics in Rome Grants David L. Thompson Studies Abroad in Classics Scholarship Linda J. Piper Award for Studies Abroad C. Thomas Poss Study Abroad Scholarship Fund Edward and Jenny Best Study Abroad Fund Apply Now