GRADUATE PROGRAM TIMELINE All theses and dissertations must be submitted electronically. Please note the deadlines below that pertain to your desired graduation date. If you have applied for graduation and find you will not be able to meet one of the deadlines, you must notify the Graduate School prior to the deadline or your file may be placed on inactive status. Email: Graduate students must register for a minimum of 3 hours in at least two semesters per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer), including the 3 hours of graduate credit required during the semester in which degree requirements are completed. Review the Graduate Enrollment policy. View Timeline MASTER'S STUDENTS Advisory Committee FormYou must submit an Advisory Committee Form during your first year of graduate work. This form should be filed before the end of your first year of course work. Program of StudyYou must submit a Program of Study Form for approval by the dean of Graduate School before defending your thesis. This form is available on the GradStatus website. Format CheckBefore defending your master’s thesis, you must submit one complete copy of your thesis or dissertation for a format check with Graduate School. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Submission Approval FormBefore scheduling your master’s thesis, you must submit the final ETD Approval Form and a corrected copy of thesis/dissertation. Approval Form for Master’s Thesis and Final Oral Examination This form must be ready at the time when you take your final oral examination, that is, your thesis defense. On this form, your advisory committee must approve your thesis for the defense and record the result of your defense. You must initiate this form through GradStatus. GRADUATION Application for Graduation [Instructions] Late Filing for Graduation [Instructions] Graduation Ceremony Info (ONLY EdD, DrPH, PhD, DMA)